Biochemistry Research Symposium: MONDAY, May 3

By Nancy Pierce, April 30, 2021

All are invited to hear the biochemistry research these students have been working on :

Biochemistry 390:  Monday, May 3

4:00  Maria Baughn: "Identifying a Novel Adhesive Mechanism in Slug Glue"
          (Advisor, Andy Smith)                         

4:15 Beth Ryan:  "Design and Synthesis of Covalent Probes of Autoinducer Synthase CepI"
        (Advisor, Scott Ulrich)      

4:30 Karolina Baranowski: "Removal of Blue-tiful dyes with cyclodextrin-based porous polymers"
     (Advisor, Mike Haaf)


At Ithaca College, we strongly believe in learning-by-doing. Becoming a biochemist is more than work in classrooms. Student research is a vital part of the undergraduate experience at Ithaca College. Students are able to get hands-on experience in faculty research labs by enrolling in BIOC-39000, completing our project-based research course BIOC-41000, doing paid research over the summer, and developing an Honors thesis. As a result, they are able to travel to present their work, as well, as to present locally.