Praneeta Mudaliar, Assistant Professor at ENVS Moderates a Panel andPresents at the Polycentricity Virtual Conference for the International
Association for the Study of the Commons

By Cheryl Smith, May 19, 2021

Assistant Professor of ENVS, Praneeta Mudaliar, was invited by the Polycentricity Virtual Conference, International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC) to moderate a panel on “Equity and Inclusion in Polycentric Regimes.” Praneeta moderated the panel on May 17. The recording may be viewed here.

Praneeta also presented her work on Tanzania’a polycentric fisheries system for the panel on “From fragmentation to coordination: dynamic interactions across governance levels” on May 18. Praneeta’s talk may be viewed here. The panel discussion with other presenters based on their presentations is available here.