STCM professors Charsky & Farman win 2021 Teaching Ideas Competition

By Lisa Farman, June 2, 2021

Dr. Dennis Charsky & Dr. Lisa Farman, Associate Professors in the Strategic Communication department, won first place in the 2021 Teaching Ideas Competition for the Mass Communication & Society division of AEJMC (the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication). Their scholarship of teaching and learning project, "Vertical & horizontal client project team structuring in strategic communication courses," will be honored at the awards ceremony in August, where they will receive a $250 prize.

According to AEJMC, the Teaching Ideas Competition award "recognizes innovation and excellence in teaching in the field of mass communication. This award builds upon the idea of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), which treats teaching as part of research agendas, using the same formal methodological techniques and standards of peer review. To fit within the concept of SoTL, this award honors projects that pose hypotheses or research questions that aim to probe questions such as: what it means to teach, how learning happens, and how teachers and students can work together to enrich learning."