We are recruiting healthy, low/in-active volunteers for a study of exercise capacity at Ithaca College. Participants will serve as controls for a grant funded study of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). You will get a report of your exercise test results which will include information about your aerobic fitness level, other health measures, and baseline data for starting an exercise program if you are interested in doing so.
Who is eligible?
Healthy, low/in-active volunteers between 25 – 70 years
Who is NOT eligible?
- Smoker, or stopped smoking less than 1 year ago
- Pregnant or breast feeding
- Diabetic
- Have a metabolic, cardiovascular and/or neuro-immune disease
- Have an orthopedic limitation that prohibits stationary cycle exercise
What must you do?
- Have a short phone conversation to determine eligibility.
- If eligible, first meet remotely with our physician for clearance to participate in the study, then meet with the physician on-campus for a brief physical exam. During the on-campus meeting, urine and a small blood sample will be collected. You will not be charged any fee to be examined by our physician or for the blood and urine tests.
- Complete questionnaires about your health/medical history and physical activity level
- Complete 2 exercise tests on a stationary cycle separated by 24 hours. Each test requires 8-12 minutes of exercise. Blood will be collected before and after each exercise test.
- You must stop taking all vitamin/mineral supplements, CBD products and marijuana for 2 weeks before the first exercise test, but can resume taking them after the 2nd exercise test.
The total time commitment for participation in this research study is about 5 hours. You will receive $300 for your time and contribution.
How can you sign up?
For more information or to sign up for this study, contact: Betsy Keller at 607-274-7948 or email: MECFSstudy@ithaca.edu