Pronouns, Gender, and Names

By Luca Maurer, August 25, 2021

Classes are almost upon us and we wanted to provide a reminder about the role that we as faculty and staff play in the experience that our students have at Ithaca College.

Some of our students are transgender, genderqueer, non-binary, agender, or have another gender identity and may use a name different from their birth name. Some cisgender (non-transgender) students use a name different from their birth name, too. If you would like to learn more about these terms, you can visit the following resources: (1) (2)… and/or (3)…

These resources are helpful in becoming a strong ally to our transgender and non-binary students and colleagues.

A student may approach you before class starts or may send an email, asking you to note that they use a different name than what appears on the roster or program attendance list, and/or personal pronouns (they/them, she/her/, he/him or another set of pronouns) different than what might be assumed. is an excellent resource on the different types of personal pronouns people use and why this matters.

Many of these students have encountered disrespect and frustration due to others not respecting their chosen name (the name they go by) or their gender in their lives and academic careers before entering IC. The beginning of each semester can be an especially challenging time. One effort Ithaca College made to prevent some of this frustration and its impacts was to implement a Personal Information Policy during academic year 2018-2019.

Everyone has the right to be addressed and referred to by the chosen name and pronouns that correspond to their gender identity, including the use of non-binary pronouns (e.g. they/them). Research also demonstrates the protective health impacts of using chosen names and the pronouns individuals determine for themselves. This year, New York State passed into law the Gender Recognition Act. This law (S.4402-B/A.5465-D) allows New Yorkers to use "X" as a non-binary gender marker designation on New York State driver's licenses, non-driver state IDs, and birth certificates. The law also ensures that New Yorkers will be able to have their correct gender marker on official documents and provides additional protections to reduce discrimination against nonbinary and transgender New Yorkers. This law in combination with our efforts to recognize chosen names and pronouns will increase the safety of our students and promote a healthier learning environment.

Class rosters have a student’s legal first name unless the student has designated their chosen first name with the Registrar's office using the online chosen/preferred name change form available here. Pronouns are not included on rosters, and we encourage you to forego using pronouns and instead refer to all students by their chosen name until and unless they choose to share a pronoun.

A student’s chosen name and pronouns should be respected at all times in our community (classrooms, workspaces, residence halls, events, Zoom meetings, etc.).

Inclusive strategies for welcoming students include:

1. Use the name a student asks you to use, regardless of whether the roster or participation list has a different name, and regardless of whether the roster name seems to be a name associated with another gender (please do not point this out or mention it to other students). HomerConnect pulls information listed in the chosen name field as opposed to pulling information from the legal name field for class rosters. Making this simple change before publicly reading the roster or program attendance list will avoid inadvertently embarrassing the student or disclosing their personal information to others.

2. Create a simple online form for students to fill out with their contact info including the name they go by and their pronouns so they can share them with you before the first class meeting. Or during your first class meeting ask all students to complete index cards with contact information, the name they use/like to be called, and answers to a few other questions. You may also invite all students to write their pronouns, too. You may need to explain/give examples. (e.g., my pronouns are 'she' and 'her'; my pronouns are ‘they/them’.) Not every student will opt to share their pronouns.

3. If you do class introductions, invite students to use the name they wish to be called, even if it is different from what is on the roster.

4. Use inclusive language. For instance, use the words students/scholars/athletes when referring to groups of students, use they/them pronouns to refer to students when their pronouns are not known to you.

5. Call on students using a description rather than a gender, for instance instead of saying "the gentleman in back," or "the woman in the front," say things like "the student in the purple sweater in the back row," “the student with their hand raised,” “the student wearing a NY Mets jersey,” etc.

6. Display your pronouns during Zoom meetings. Right click on your name, select "Rename," type your pronouns in after your name e.g. Luca Maurer (he/him), and click "OK."

7. Be aware of IC resources. For instance, the LGBT Center provides consultation, resources, support, and referral. Director Luca Maurer provides consultation to faculty and staff seeking more information, and connects students to the policies, programs, and services on our campus that support them. Visit or contact 607-274-7394

8. Put a Title IX paragraph on the syllabus or orientation/contact materials you provide to your students. “Title IX is a federal act mandating that educational institutions receiving federal funding must provide sex and gender equity. All students have the right to a campus atmosphere free of sexual harassment, sexual violence, and gender discrimination. To make a report of sexual assault, sexual harassment or gender discrimination, please contact Linda Koenig, Title IX Coordinator; 607-274-7761. Please visit for more information.”

Simple adjustments like this will make a big difference in welcoming students into our spaces, classrooms and co-curricular learning opportunities at IC. These actions are part of the larger work of creating and sustaining an inclusive, supportive, safe, and nondiscriminatory campus community for all our students.

If you have questions or would like a presentation on this or similar topics for your department, office, class or student group, please contact either Luca or Linda directly.

Thank you for the work you do creating welcoming, inclusive and equitable spaces for our students.

Luca Maurer
Director, LGBT Education, Outreach & Services

Linda Koenig
Title IX Coordinator