Attention Student Orgs: Apply for Funding to Program in IC Square!

By Jess Shapiro, September 9, 2021

Don't Have Your Events Just Anywhere...Choose IC Square!

Hey, student orgs! Are you looking for a place to host weekly or bi-weekly events funded by the college? Well, look no further! The Office of Student Engagement (OSE) is seeking interested clubs/organizations to host events in IC Square. Student organizations can receive up to $1000 in funding. This money could be used to purchase prizes, refreshments etc. This commitment allows orgs to receive great benefits such as personalized support from the Campus Center Programming team, increased membership, and an awesome way to promote your org. Sign up now for a time slot before they all fill up! The deadline to fill out this Engage form is September 20th. Please reach out to or if you have any questions or concerns.