WICB, VIC Radio and ICTV Recognized by NYS Broadcasters Association

By Jeremy Menard, September 16, 2021

Stations Presented Excellence in Broadcasting and Serving New York Awards

In the New York State Broadcasters Association's (NYSBA) annual Excellence in Broadcasting awards competition, Ithaca College's student-run radio and television stations took first place in the following categories:

  • ICTV - Outstanding Use of Digital Platforms (College Television Division)
  • WICB - Outstanding Public Affairs Program / Series (College Radio Division)
    • Ithaca Now (WICB's weekly local news magazine)
    • 2020-21 WICB News Director, Jay Bradley '22

In addition, NYSBA honored radio stations WICB and VIC Radio with a pair of Serving New York awards, recognizing outstanding public service to the local communities. 

  • This past winter, WICB and VIC Radio raised funds for Ithaca's Southside Community Center, encouraging listeners and staff members to donate to the center's Emergency Family Fund. Funds raised went directly to helping local families in need during the holidays. The stations raised and donated $529.00, surpassing the goal of $500.00. The Southside Community Center is an organization dedicated to affirming, empowering, and fostering the development of self-pride among the African American citizens of the greater Ithaca area. 
  • During the Spring 2021 semester, VIC Radio held its 34th annual 50 Hour Marathon and raised $3,865.00 for Ithaca Children's Garden. VIC DJ's Chloe Levy '22, Chris Masciarelli '22, Teagen Parker '22 and Teddy Byrne '21 stayed awake and on-the-air for fifty straight hours. The event was organized by Ilyana Castillo '22, VIC's 50 Hour Marathon Coordinator.

The awards were presented on Thursday, September 16, 2021 at a luncheon hosted by NYSBA at the Double Tree Hotel in Binghamton, New York and accepted by the following student staff members: ICTV Station Manager Rachel Paskowitz '23, ICTV Director of Publicity Jay Healy '22, WICB Station Manager Connor Hibbard '23, WICB News Director Himadri Seth '23, VIC Radio Station Manager Cam Maxey '21 and former VIC Radio 50 Hour Marathon Coordinator Ilyana Castillo.

Click here for the entire list of NYSBA Excellence in Broadcasting award winners.

WICB, VIC and ICTV Recognized by NYS Broadcasters Association

Pictured from left-to-right: Ilyana Castillo, Jay Healy, Himadri Seth, Cam Maxey, Connor Hibbard, Jeremy Menard, Rachel Paskowitz and Paul Stanion.