Women's Mentoring Network Updates!

By Samantha Elebiary, September 21, 2021

Hello to those already part of the Women's Mentoring Network (WMN), and to those who are considering becoming members!

We hope this message finds you well in this time of transition… this time of year is often mixed with excitement, anxiety, opportunities, and challenges. This year feels *even more* of all those things and the WMN hopes to provide a sense of community and strength. We wanted to provide a few updates from the WMN as we kick off this next year together:

  • The WMN Advisory Board had a visioning retreat in June and developed the following vision and mission statements. We look forward to enacting this mission through various events and methods including supporting mentoring circles and 1:1 mentoring partnerships.
    • Vision: Uplifting women to empower their success
    • Mission:
      • Connecting women in meaningful ways to create a sense of community and belonging 
      • Ensuring inclusive structure and programming that acknowledges and meets the unique needs of women in higher education  
      • Emphasizing the importance of and connection between professional and personal development 
      • Respecting one another and the ways we intersect as women in various stages of professional and personal life stages and situations, positions, levels, and backgrounds for common goals  
      • Collaborating with others on campus and beyond who support the advancement of women 
  • Interest Survey: Please take a few minutes to complete this brief survey to help us learn more about your interests as related to programming etc. Gathering this information will help us guide programming and resources this year and in the future.
  • Welcome Event! Join us on Thursday 9/23 from 4pm-6pm in Clark Lounge to kick off the academic year and build community! You can come and go as you please, and we will have some snacks available to take as you leave (this ensures there will be no un-masking at the event). There will be a parallel Zoom event at the same time for those who aren’t on campus or can’t join in person (more details to come)! If you need accommodations for this event, please contact jdorsey@ithaca.edu.
  • If you're new to the WMN, feel free to email Julie Dorsey at jdorsey@ithaca.edu to be added to the email list and Teams page - you can be sure to receive information about upcoming events and resources this way!

The WMN Advisory Board

Julie Dorsey, Sam Elebiary, Doreen Hettich-Atkins, Abby Juda, Courtney Gray, Elizabeth Bergman, Ivy Walz, Jana Waller, Jess Shapiro, Justine Vosloo, Laura Amoriello, Lynne Hewitt, Margaret Shackell, Mary Holland-Bavis, Mish Lenhart, Te-Wen Lo, Tiffany Valentin-Huff