Weekly Canvas Tips Coming to your Email Inbox Soon

By Jenna Linskens, October 3, 2021

Attention Faculty and Instructors Using Canvas

Throughout the Fall semester, the LMS Implementation Team will be sharing Weekly Canvas Tips with faculty as an Announcement in the Canvas Resources @ IC course.  These tips will provide insights into features, common issues, and ways to get the most of Canvas. One tip will go out every Tuesday as an announcement. By default, an email notification will be sent to the ithaca.edu email address for individuals in the course.  The frequency and method of notification can be modified by the recipient.  In fact, the first Weekly Tip, coming out on October 5th will be “How to set individual course notifications.” 

What do you need to do? 

  1. You will get an invitation to the Canvas Resources @ IC course in Canvas. Please click “Accept” if you want to receive the Weekly Canvas Tips. 
  2. Wait for your first Weekly Canvas Tip email (Oct 5).  
  3. Set your notification preferences. 
  4. Go to the Canvas Announcement to like or comment on the tip.