Ed Catto Leads Publishing Entrepreneur Panel

By Edward Catto, October 6, 2021

Strategies of Hidden Entrepreneurs in Publishing Explored

Ithaca College’s Ed Catto will moderate the publishing entrepreneurs panel at New York’s Javits Center this October called Beaten to a Pulp: Publishing Entrepreneurs in Today’s Crime Fiction.

Today’s authors have become Hidden Entrepreneurs, actively finding, developing and managing new ways to reach and connect with audiences.  The industry realizes that the days of fiction writers just turning in a completed manuscript and sitting back while the publisher markets the book are long gone. In this panel,  AlexSegura (Miami Midnight, Poe Dameron: Free Fall), J. C. Vaughn (Second Wednesday, McCandless & Co.) and Charles Ardai (entrepreneurial publisher of Hard Case Crime) will be revealing, and debating, the best ways to build audiences in their chosen niche.

Catto contends these panelists are “Hidden Entrepreneurs”, i.e., non-traditional entrepreneurs. This is the focus of  one of Catto’s courses in the School of Business, where he is an instructor on entrepreneurism and start-ups.  In fact, Entrepreneurism & Innovation is now a minor at Ithaca College.

The Beaten to a Pulp panel will be a part of New York Comic Con, to be held from October 7 -10th.  More details are available at www.newyorkcomiccon.com.

Publishing Entrepreneurs Panel

Ed Catto to moderate panel exploring strategies of publishing entrepreneurs 

Hidden Entrepreneurs in Publishing