Meet or Email your Personal Librarian for Research Help

By Catherine Michael, October 22, 2021

Did you know: every student has their own librarian to assist them?

If you're working on a paper and you have difficulty gathering sources, book a research consultation appointment with your personal librarian or just send them an email.

Who is my librarian? Look through this list in our Staff Directory

How do I make an appointment? Chose your librarian and a date from this page (also found on the library's homepage):  You can choose to meet in person or in Zoom.

If you don't have time to meet in person, you can just email your librarian, or, try out chat service.  Our chat hours are: 

Mon - Thurs 12 am - 6 pm
Fri 12 on - 4 pm
Sun 2 pm - 6 pm

Know we're here ready to help you! 

Group photo of Ithaca College Librarians: Top: Jim, Laura, Abby; Bottom:  Cathy, Jenny, Kris

Group photo of Ithaca College Librarians: Top: Jim, Laura, Abby; Bottom:  Cathy, Jenny, Kris


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Cathy Michael at or 274-1293. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.