Questions about Themes? Concerns about transfer credit? Ask ICC!

By Angela Gian-Cursio, October 29, 2021

Your ICC Team has made it easier to request approval for perspective courses outside your theme! You’ll find updated resources on our website as well as key links to forms below:

ICC Designation Exception Request 

  • Use this form if you want to request approval to use an ICC-designated course from a different theme  to fulfill a perspective requirement. In addition, you can use this form to request credit for a course that was ICC designated after you took it. Check for additional guidelines.  

ICC Study Away/Transfer Credit Evaluation 

  • Did you complete courses at another college?  Use this form to request approval to use that coursework to satisfy ICC requirements. Be sure to review specific guidelines regarding use of transfer credit under Resources for Students  

ICC Study Abroad Petition 

  • Planning to study abroad? Wondering whether that course in Prague might satisfy Creative Arts? Use this petition to request approval to use study abroad courses to fulfill ICC requirements. We encourage you to submit petitions before abroad; however you can still submit petitions after travel. NOTE: if you’re requesting a theme exemption for a course taken at Ithaca’s London or LA centers, use the Designation Exception Form instead.  

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Want to stop in? Our office and drop-in hours are now available here.

Ask ICC 

  • Other questions? Want to schedule a meeting with ICC Director Susan Adams Delaney or Program Coordinator Angela Gian-Cursio? Just click on Ask ICC to submit a request!