Travel Services Announcement

By Sheryl Moore, December 1, 2021

The Business and Finance Team at Ithaca College wanted to take the opportunity to share some exciting updates to our website and Travel Policy.  We hope these updates and resources provide a great travel booking experience for the campus community. The major changes to the policy are:

  • Direct Travel is no longer mandatory for international flights, although we still prefer the use of the Direct Travel online booking tool for those bookings
  • Direct Travel is no longer mandatory for lodging, although we still strongly encourage the use of Direct Travel online booking tool for those bookings
  • The use of Enterprise or National Car Rental are strongly encouraged when renting a vehicle

Please note Direct Travel is still the mandatory online booking tool for all domestic flights.

We also wanted to take the time to remind all travelers that if you need to set up travel arrangements and have not set up a profile with Direct Travel, please contact stating that you need access to the Direct Travel tool, and they will reply with further instructions.

Please feel free to contact with any further questions.