Staff and Faculty Winter Social and Hike

By Brittany Watros, December 7, 2021

***Given the notification we received today regarding the decision to update the COVID-19 operational status from Green: Lower Risk to Yellow: Low to Moderate Risk, all scheduled in-person gatherings and events on campus that are not associated with academic coursework have been canceled. This includes the cancellation of our Faculty and Staff Winter Social and Hike. 

We are hopeful that we will have an opportunity to gather in-person together during the upcoming spring semester.*** 

It's almost time for the 2021 Staff and Faculty Winter Social and Hike!


December 9th, 2021

12:00PM-1:00PM Social Hour

1:00PM-1:45PM Hike

Clark Lounge

Campus Center

Ithaca College Faculty and Staff are invited to gather for a hot cocoa bar and cookies, followed by an optional group hike, led by Sybil Conrad. 

The South Hill hike is a voluntary activity and no employee is required to participate. Please remember to bring water, your cell phone, and suitable attire for the weather. You should understand that when participating in this hike or any exercise program, there is a possibility of serious physical injury or illness. If at any time during the hike you begin to experience faintness, dizziness, pain, or shortness of breath – please rest immediately.  If you think you are having a medical or health emergency during the hike, immediately call your health care professional, 9-1-1, and/or request assistance from the hike leader. 


Join us by the warm fire pit, outside on the terrace, or gather in Clarke Lounge. Take a break! You deserve it. 

A hot cocoa bar and cookies will be provided.

Don't forget, the hike is optional. Just stop by for the social, join us for the hike, or do both! 

For added fun, wear your most unique winter hat.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Individuals who would like to request accessibility accommodations should contact