Students: Action Required for Sakai files by 1/30/2022 

By Jenna Linskens, December 9, 2021

Ithaca College has replaced Sakai with the Canvas learning management system effective Fall 2021. On February 1, 2022, all access to Sakai will be removed and users will no longer be able to retrieve any files or resources.  

Any files within your Sakai course sites that you want to keep will need to be manually moved to another platform such as Microsoft OneDrive for Word documents, PDFs, and PowerPoint files, or Kaltura for media files. 

What do you need to know? 

  • Action is required to manually move any files from Sakai by January 30, 2022. 
  • Moving your files out of Sakai will be a manual self-initiated process. 
  • Access to Sakai will be turned off to all users on February 1, 2022.  

Next steps 

If your course and/or project sites are still available in Sakai, we recommend going into your courses to save any files you might need for future reference, to add to your DRF TaskSteam portfolio, or a professional portfolio.  

  • Login to Sakai and review your files and resources in each of your courses. 
  • Determine which files you want to keep and download them to your IC Microsoft OneDrive, move them into Kaltura (, or save them to your computer or thumb drive.  
  • For directions to save files out of Sakai, review this IT Knowledge Base Article: How to Retain Content Before Sakai Site Deletion.   
  • For information on using your free IC Microsoft OneDrive, review this IT Knowledge Base Article: Microsoft OneDrive

If you have any questions about saving files from Sakai, please reach out to the Information Technology Service Desk for assistance.