Presidential Search January Update

By Tammy Sritecha, January 7, 2022

Presidential Search Committee Work Continues

Message posted on behalf of David Fleisher ’91, Chair, Presidential Search Committee

Dear Ithaca College Community,

I hope this note finds you and your families well.  With the New Year underway, I wanted to provide an update on the presidential search. 

As you know, the first phase of the process involved gathering valuable insights from various constituencies of the college community—faculty, students, staff, alumni and friends.  Based on the community’s participation, the search committee worked with our consultant, Isaacson Miller, to develop the prospectus outlining the ideal characteristics of our next president, and the opportunity to lead Ithaca College.  That prospectus has been circulated broadly and used by Isaacson Miller in the search for potential candidates.

The committee has been actively reviewing the pool of candidates that has emerged from the outreach process so far.  That outreach is continuing as candidates are added and deleted from the pool.  In the near future, interviews will commence.  There will be several stages of the interviews as the committee narrows down the pool of candidates to semifinalists, then finalists.

At this early stage in the process, we are encouraged by the quality and scope of candidates who have indicated interest in the position.  The committee will continue to work diligently in the coming weeks and months to ensure a thoughtful and thorough interview and selection process.  The charge of the committee—to which we are committed—is to deliver the names of the top one or two presidential candidates to the board of trustees for its ultimate selection of the next president of Ithaca College.

Thank you to the members of the committee, and to members of the college community for your support during this process.  I look forward with optimism and will be sharing additional updates as further progress is made.

Thank you,
Dave Fleisher