CFRD Reassigned time for Spring 2023 – applications due January 14

By Colette Matisco, January 11, 2022

The Center for Faculty Excellence is pleased to announce the availability of reassigned time for faculty to pursue research, pedagogical, service, and creative projects in spring 2023. Guidelines for proposals are included below. Complete proposals for spring 2023 are due January 14. 

Center for Faculty Research and Development (CFRD) Grants provide reassigned time for faculty to: pursue pedagogical, research (including collaborative student/faculty and service-learning research), and creative projects; engage in outreach “service” activities that utilize the faculty member’s professional training and talents; and write grant proposals that will be submitted to external sources for additional funding.

CFRD grants are available to full-time, continuing faculty members. While exceptional circumstances may be considered, for example, reassigned time for chairing a department, these awards are generally intended for faculty whose regular teaching loads are 21 or more credit hours, and who receive no overload or additional reassigned time (including sabbatical leave) for scholarly/creative work during the academic year of the CFRD reassigned time. Faculty who anticipate being on a sabbatical any semester during the academic year 2022-2023 are not eligible to apply for this cycle.

Proposals that involve reassigned time for more than one person, for example, interdisciplinary proposals from faculty in two or more departments or schools, departmental projects undertaken by more than one faculty member, and so forth, are welcome. In these cases, please be sure that the amount of reassigned time requested is justified by the nature of the work proposed. 

Proposals should include the following:
     • a project description of no more than 1500 words that clearly explains, in language that is accessible to a wide range of academic readers, what project or activity is being undertaken, the project’s purpose/goals, the methods that will be employed, resources that are required, and expected outcomes, including how the project will contribute to the faculty member’s professional development.
     • a current Curriculum Vitae; and
     • a letter of support from a colleague who is familiar with the area of scholarly/creative work and the applicant’s capabilities to achieve what is proposed.

Proposals must be submitted via this link. They are automatically forwarded for approval to department chairs and deans, who are responsible for determining the administrative feasibility of the proposed reassigned time, and for verifying teaching hours (regular teaching load, overload and other reassigned time).

Proposals are due to the department chair by January 14, and due to the CFE with chair and dean approval by noon January 21.


A review committee composed primarily of past CFRD recipients is appointed by the CFE Director, who attempts to balance ranks and representation from schools.

Criteria used in evaluating proposals include the following:
     • clarity of description of the project purpose, methods, and expected outcomes;
     • contribution to the professional development of the faculty member;
     • enhancement of the intellectual life, scholarly discourse, and/or learning environment of the College
Proposals that contribute to the current initiatives of Ithaca College will receive priority consideration.

A report should be submitted to the Center for Faculty Excellence, 316 Gannett Center, within six months of the end of the award period. Copies or reprints of resulting publications should be submitted when they appear. An acknowledgment of grant support should appear in publications resulting from the award. The results of previous awards are examined when considering new ones.

Funded proposals are open to inspection by the campus community. Submission of a proposal implies permission to share the proposal or reproduce it for on-campus discussion if it is funded.