Purim Katan Hamentashen Bake

By Lauren Goldberg, February 10, 2022

Come to our event with Kosher Korner to bake personalized Hamentashen to collect the following day in the Chapel. 

DATE: Tuesday, February 15th
TIME: 7:00pm-8:00pm
LOCATION: Upstairs Terraces @ Terrace Balcony by Kosher Korner

Why are we celebrating Purim before Purim?! According to the Hebrew calendar, Purim is usually celebrated annually on the 14th day of the Hebrew month of Adar (and it is celebrated on Adar II in Hebrew leap years which occur every two to three years).  Since we will be on Spring Break during Purim, we are celebrating on Purim Katan!

Want to know what a hamantashen is and what this holiday is about?

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Lauren at Lgoldberg2@ithaca.edu or 607-274-3332. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.