Submit a Student Leadership Institute Proposal by February 21st!

By Jess Shapiro, February 10, 2022

Last chance to present a Student Leadership Institute (SLI) workshop about your passion topic this academic year!

Whether you’re a student who is part of a club with a cool presentation to share, a faculty or staff member who wants to engage with the student body, or an individual who has learned valuable leadership lessons throughout their time at Ithaca College—the Office of Student Engagement (OSE) is always looking for new, interesting presentations to include as leadership workshops.

You might also have a presentation that you are already planning for Block 4, and we can collaborate to offer it for SLI credit and increase participation at the event!

You can choose the date and time for your workshop during Block 4 this spring (most workshops are 45-60 minutes long) and there are both in-person and virtual options available. 

Interested? Here's how to get involved!

  • Pick an SLI track—Leading Self, Leading Others, Leading in a Diverse World, or Leading @ IC (descriptions are on the website)
    • We are especially looking for Leading Others and Leading in a Diverse World sessions!
  • Fill out the SLI Proposal Form on IC Engage—this form is due Monday, February 21st for Block 4 sessions (March 21st - April 29th)
  • All Block 4 SLIs will be published to students by Tuesday, March 15th
  • If you would like guidance on all things SLI, email us at