Goulash Stew: a recipe for art.

By Sara Jacobs, March 4, 2022

Prep:  set aside some time and space where you can create your own version of this stew:

3 tbsp. imagination, 4 cloves humanity, 2 lbs. creativity, 1 head of focus, 3 scoops of fun, 1 tsp. glitter, 2 medium paintbrushes (can substitute with pencil, pastels, camera, fabric or wood), 1/2 grounded stretched canvas or frame, handful of mood boosting colors, blend together a sense of community, puree with nature's beauty,  shape clay until done, 1 oz. processed emotions, pinch of personal perspective, sprinkle with reflections of surrounding environment, a handful of expression, dollop of hope, garnish with inspiration. 

Now accepting submissions for community art show at: Entry Form.  

Onward art flyer

Make art. Think art. Make stew. Think art.