NSTP Welcomes Audrey McKinney as Interim Assistant Director

By Quinten Hernandez, March 7, 2022

The Office of New Student and Transition Programs is excited to welcome back Audrey McKinney as our interim Assistant Director. Audrey began her role this past week on Wednesday, March 2nd and comes as no stranger to our campus community.

As you may recall, NSTP was fortunate enough to host Audrey as one of our NODA Graduate Student interns from May to August 2021, where she became deeply involved and knowledgeable about our Fall Orientation program. Since then, Audrey has continued her studies in Student Affairs (M.Ed.) at Clemson University and will be graduating this May.

Audrey brings New Student Program experience from Florida State University, Texas A&M University, and Furman University, where she also works in the Office of Student Involvement and Inclusion. We are very appreciative to have Audrey step into the interim Assistant Director role and being able to dedicate time and energy for our incoming students as she leads the planning of Fall Orientation 2022 this spring.