Ashley Bohn (H&S) departing IC

By Brendan Murday, March 8, 2022

As some of you know, Ashley Bohn (Operations and External Relations officer in the School of H&S) will be departing us to take a position at Cornell with their Law School.  We are very excited for her, though everyone who has met her will know that we will miss her greatly. 

Ashley joined us in Fall 2017, and made an immediate and significant impact helping us to improve our outreach efforts with alumni, students, and community partners.  Her facility with social media and content has been tremendously valuable, as has her remarkable gift for collaboration and her boundless energy.  In addition to the many projects she has worked on in H&S, Ashley has also been extraordinarily generous with her time and knowledge in helping make our campus more accessible for those with disabilities. 

Ashley’s last day at IC will be Friday March 11; her office is Muller 212 for those who want to drop by to wish her well.