FLEFF and IC Faculty Team War in Ukraine Playlist and History Book List Project Published on International Initiative in Scotland

By Patricia Zimmermann, March 10, 2022

FLEFF Team Faculty Members across Roy H. Park School of Communications and School of Humanities and Sciences Collaborate on Ukraine War Project


The Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival collaborated with faculty members Ari Kissiloff (Strategic Communications), Michael Richardson (World Languges, Literatures, and Culture/Screen Cultures), Rachel Schaff (Screen Studies) and Zenon Wasyliw (History), and Patricia Zimmermann (FLEFF/Screen Studies) to craft a playlist sampler of works available on streaming and a list of suggested historical readings on the war in Ukraine for the University of St Andrews' Centre for Screen Cultures Playlist Initiative. It went live on Thursday, May 9 in the afternoon.

The playlist, Ukrainian Films, can be accessed here: 


The curatorial team at the University of St. Andrews (Scotland) learned about the FLEFF Ukraine Playlist on social media, where it has circulated widely through a link on the larger FLEFF project from an Intercom posting that went live on March 8. 

The FLEFF Ukraine Resource arose out of the hybrid on campus and on Zoom forum, "Russian Invasion of Ukraine," sponsored by the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival and the Department of History on March 3, where participants in the chat offered a few film titles and asked for more resources.  Zenon Wasyliw, Professor of History and a specialist in Soviet, Ukraine, and global history, and IC student Daria Karpenko spoke at the event.

The FLEFF initiative features a list of 25 films and historical books. The Department of Literatures in English is contributing a list of novels and poetry books relating to Ukraine that will be added to the FLEFF project. Department faculty members Chris Holmes and Kasia Bartoszynska are curating this project.

All of these resource lists are on-going collaborative projects, where readers and users can suggest more titles to be added.