Jonathan Ablard, History, publishes chapter on Argentine psychiatry

By Michael Smith, March 22, 2022

Dr. Jonathan Ablard, History, published "Una reevaluación de los archivos, los derechos humanos y la psiquiatría en la Argentina del Proceso (1976-1983)" [A Reevaluation of the archives, human rights, and the psychiatry during the Argentine Proceso (1976-1983) in the edited volume Locura en el archivo fuentes y metodologías para el estudio de las disciplinas psi [Madness in the Archive: Sources and Methodologies for the Study of Mental Health Disciplines] published by the Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico). The book is the product of a years long collaboration between scholars from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and the United States.

The chapter expands on Dr. Ablard's 2008 book Madness in Buenos Aires: Patients, Psychiatrists and the Argentine State, 1880-1983, and explores the hidden role played by some mental health professionals in support of the military dictatorship that terrorized the Argentine people from 1976-1983. In the last decade, a series of new sources have come to light, both in Argentina and elsewhere in the Americas, that indicate deeper collaboration of mental health professionals with authoritarian regimes than was previously understood. Dr. Ablard is currently expanding this essay for publication in English.