Are you concerned about a student?

By Emmy LoBrutto, March 25, 2022

ICare Referrals and The Office of Case Management

While Spring can revive our energy with more sunshine and warmer weather, there are still students struggling for various reasons. If you or someone you know is having difficulty managing their mental health, please consider submitting an ICare Referral. We would be happy to help support you!

A representative of the Office of Case Management will reach out to the student referred to offer support and to help identify resources on and off campus that may be helpful. For further information, you can visit our website or give us a call at 607-274-7731.

If you are concerned about a student academic success or participation, please consider submitting an Academic Alert.

The following are just some examples and indicators that a student may be in distress and could benefit from additional support. 

Examples of when an ICare referral may be helpful: 

  • Student is experiencing unmanageable distress related to family-life, life circumstance, or other.
  • Student exhibits significant changes in mood or daily functioning. 
  • Student becomes increasingly isolated, irritable or disconnected. 
  • Student's behavior reflects increased hopelessness or helplessness.  
  • Student expresses thoughts of suicide or other acts of self-harm 
  • Student makes threats or displays aggression directed toward themselves or others.