College-Wide Announcement for CFE Directorships

By Melanie Reyes, March 31, 2022

College-Wide Announcement for CFE Directorships

Sent on behalf of Melanie I. Stein, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs:

I am delighted to announce the appointment of Amie Germain, Ellie Fulmer, and Matthew Clauhs as co-directors of the Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) for a three-year term.  The CFE is an important resource for faculty, supporting them in all areas of faculty development, and we are grateful to Gordon Rowland for his service as director over the last three years. During Gordon’s term as director, he involved many talented faculty in leadership roles, including the new co-directors who served as Dana Teaching Fellows.

As teaching fellows, Amie, Ellie, and Matthew co-designed and facilitated the 2020 summer institute Flexible by Design, the 2021 summer institute IDEAL Course Design, antiracism institutes, new faculty institutes, early career excellence institutes, and contributed to the campus transition to Canvas, among other initiatives. These respected faculty members come from three of our five schools, each with a background and training in education, bringing individual strengths and skills to the Center’s leadership. This co-directorship structure will allow each of them to maintain their faculty roles, while leveraging their experience and expertise to lead the CFE, guiding and supporting their faculty colleagues through the many CFE programs and inquiry communities.

Amie Germain, Ed.D., Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy, will serve as the CFE Director of Educational Development, and in this role, she will provide leadership for the implementation of inclusive pedagogy across courses and disciplines to support learning initiatives at Ithaca College. She will facilitate faculty development programs such as the Early Career Excellence Institute, Reciprocal Peer Teaching Observations, Learner-Centered Teaching Workshops, and Small Change Teaching Discussions. In this position, Amie will also coordinate the Dana Teaching Fellows Program, and supervise and support CFE staff in the development and maintenance of events and programs offered through the CFE.

Ellie Fulmer, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Education, will serve as the CFE Director of Equity-Focused Teaching & Learning, playing a leadership role in offering programming to establish a welcoming and equitable campus environment for all members of the Ithaca College community. Ellie will collaborate with campus partners to provide increased opportunities for colleagues to question, learn, and grow in their abilities to recognize and dismantle systems of oppression that hinder the progress of equity on our campus, and will work with campus partners in creating more equitable learning environments. In this position, she will coordinate the Antiracism Institute, support for caucuses, and distribution of CFE funding to support initiatives across campus.

Matthew Clauhs, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Music Education, will serve as the CFE Director of Engaged Learning, and in this role, he will provide faculty development, consultations, and online resources designed to enhance student learning experiences at Ithaca College. Matthew will facilitate the New Faculty Institute, Tenure & Promotion Workshops, and other spaces to share best practices for increasing student engagement.  Much of this programming will be delivered through live workshops, webinars, and asynchronously through the college's LMS, Canvas, in collaboration with the deans of each school.

The co-directors will begin their roles on June 1, 2022. Please join me in congratulating Amie, Ellie, and Matthew, and I know we all look forward to working with them in these leadership roles.