Are you unsure which classes you should register for next semester? Do you have questions about how to register? Do you want to make sure you will be able to graduate in four years? Are you overwhelmed just thinking about registering for classes? We are here to help! The Exploratory Program's Peer Ambassadors and Leaders will be ready to answer any questions you may have about registration!
Come by Friends 207 on Wednesday, April 6 2022 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM, and bring your laptop if you have one. Don't have a laptop? Never fear! We'll have some extras on hand.
During the session, we'll provide you with tips and tricks so that you'll find registering for the fall 2022 semester is a breeze to the finish line. Make sure to come early if you can, and we'll have some candy to keep you going.
Registration via Engage is requested but not required. Everyone is welcome, so bring a friend or two.
Questions? Email