Developing Antiracist Pedagogies

By Colette Matisco, April 5, 2022

Wednesday, April 20, 12:00 - 1:00pm
Location: Center for Faculty Excellence, 316 Gannett (library, 2nd floor)

To register, link to the event information on IC Engage.

Are you striving to build a more racially and culturally inclusive classroom? Are you eager to do things differently, but are unsure of where to start? Join CFE Fellows and your newer faculty colleagues for this 45-minute introduction to antiracist pedagogies. This session will help initiate some first steps in adopting a critical, self-reflective framework for teaching. Participants will be invited to consider their social identities, the history and context of their field and its instructional approaches, and collaborate with colleagues to find ways to make intentionally antiracist decisions in their classrooms. Developing antiracist instructional practices is about more than broadening racial, cultural, and ethnic representation in our course content. Antiracist pedagogy is also “about how one teaches, even in courses where race is not the subject matter” (Dr. Kyoko Kishimoto, “Antiracist Pedagogy,” 2018). 

Facilitation by
Ellie Fulmer, Co-Director of the Center for Faculty Excellence and Associate Professor of Education
Matt Clauhs, Co-Director of the Center for Faculty Excellence and Assistant Professor of Music Education
Sarah Fishel, Associate Professor of Physical Therapy and Dana Teaching Fellow, Center for Faculty Excellence
Joe Ungco, Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy and Dana Teaching Fellow, Center for Faculty Excellence


  • Thursday, April 14, 12:10 pm - Grants 101 Workshop – ONLINE Session Register with IC Engage
  • Tuesday, April 19 2022, 3:00pm – Putting Your Best Voice Forward – in-person event. Register via IC Engage
  • Wednesday, April 20, 12:00 pm – Developing Antiracist Pedagogies – in-person event. Register with IC Engage
  • Wednesday, April 27, 12:00 pm – Best Practices in Experiential Learning in the Classroom: Resources, Opportunities, and Challenges – in-person event. Register with IC Engage
  • Thursday, April 28, 4:00 pm - Provost's Colloquium - in-person. View full description on IC Engage

 Check out more learning opportunities and grant deadlines at the Faculty Hub Calendar.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Colette Matisco at or 607-274-3734. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.