It's Time.

By Sara Jacobs, April 8, 2022

Calling all All, Calling all All:

Step right up, step right up. Right this way, and keep it moving....

This weekend, check-in with your creative side.  Say hello, shake hands or high-five them.  Don't keep them waiting, because they may have a lot to say, through paint or clay, through illustrative images or words. Your creative side really wants to celebrate World Art Day on April 15th and they're totally hoping you'll take them out! 

If you have artwork that you'd like to share for upcoming exhibit, please submit Entry Form link today! Only a few spaces left. Accepting on a first come first serve basis.  Opening reception on Friday, April 15th at Campus Center.

This event is being co-hosted by Tri-Council and open to students, faculty and staff.  Questions/info:

clock: Now

Seize the moments.