Overthinking your ePortfolio? We're here to help!

By Angela Gian-Cursio, May 2, 2022

A Quick Guide to Completing the ePortfolio Graduation Requirement

Are you a spring graduate? Are you overwhemled trying to keep up with everything you need to get done before graduation? Are you avoiding your eportfolio because it just seems like TOO MUCH?

The ICC Team is here to help.

Yes, you still need to complete the eportfolio, request a review, and have your eportfolio marked as met to graduate. However, current graduates need only complete the CLA and Capstone sections in Taskstream to have their eportfolio marked as MET .

Emails with these details were sent out to intended spring graduates March 4 and April 27 from icceportfolio@ithaca.edu, the same email address to request your ePortfolio review.

Check out this ICC Blog Post and ICC eportfolio for a summary of Spring 2022 ePortfolio requirements and documents to help you navigate completing each area.

The ICC Team is availalble for drop-in hours and appointments. Can't find a time that works? Email us.