Dana Teaching Fellows Program - Applications DUE 5/06

By Colette Matisco, May 3, 2022

The Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) seeks a faculty member for the 2022-2023 Dana Teaching Fellows Program, an innovative program developed by faculty, for faculty, in 2017. Dana Fellows are exemplary instructors and scholars who engage in development and scholarly activities that focus on teaching, contribute to their professional development, and support other faculty members. For the upcoming academic year, the CFE seeks a faculty member who will collaborate with CFE directors and other Fellows to contribute to CFE antiracism efforts, including co-facilitating the third cycle of the Antiracism Institute.

To apply, submit your CV and letter of interest describing your experience working towards antiracism in your professional and/or personal life. Please include any campus efforts towards equity that you have participated in, including past iterations of the Antiracism Institute, if applicable.

Applications should be submitted to CFE@ithaca.edu by May 6. Acceptance will be pending department chair and dean approvals.

Program Description

Educational success at Ithaca College depends, above all else, on the commitment and inventiveness of our faculty. Excellence in undergraduate teaching and research must be rewarded and encouraged. To this end, the Center for Faculty Excellence established a program to recognize faculty members who have profoundly influenced our students through their sustained and significant contributions to pedagogy and scholarship.

Dana Fellows are faculty members from departments across campus (currently Fellows represent four of the five schools) who provide support to other faculty members aiming to enhance their students' learning and performance and to address shared teaching and scholarly challenges. Their support can take many forms: collaborating on CFE long-term programming, initiating new programming, leading CFE hosted events, one-on-one consultations, classroom observations, and/or other support depending on the specific circumstances. The Dana Fellows Program builds on the robust experiences of faculty developers and peers at the Center for Faculty Excellence. The Dana Fellow positions are highly collaborative; the major program goal is to deploy pedagogical and scholarly expertise across the campus through faculty networks. See the CFE website for past and current Dana Fellows here.

Duration of this fellowship will be for one academic year, and may be extended, typically for a total duration of no more than three years, pending continued institutional support, continued chair and dean agreement, and identified need. Fellows receive one three-credit course release and a $3,000 stipend per year, plus support for professional development. The Dana Fellows Program is open to all tenured and tenure-eligible faculty members as well as long-term non-tenure-eligible faculty members.

Antiracism Institute Activities

This Dana Fellow will collaborate with current Antiracism Institute Fellows on the design and implementation of the newly revised Antiracism Institute. The Fellow will meet regularly with the other Fellows, CFE Leadership, and staff members whose work relates to their selected programs, and help lead sessions with institute participants. The Dana Fellows program is grounded in a distributed leadership model.

To date, the Antiracism Institute has led two cohorts of faculty and student facing-staff (~50 participants) through a year-long program. The goals of this institute are to build communities committed to antiracist practices here at Ithaca College, increase participants’ knowledge and awareness of race and racism, and build participants’ capacities for change at the interpersonal, teaching, and institutional levels. Individuals of all racial identities are invited to participate in the institute. To facilitate community building and authentic action-based equity work, racial caucus groups will be used whenever possible. At our predominantly white institution, much of the work is focused on decentering whiteness and building the competencies of white allies. The current Fellows are eager to collaborate with an additional colleague on this important work.

The Antiracism Institute directly contributes to achieving the Ithaca Forever strategic plan for fostering collaboration and interdisciplinarity, and becoming a national model for colleges committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion. It supports the values of academic excellence, innovation, and equity. And it strongly aligns with priorities such as developing a Community of Care and leveraging innovations in our teaching, learning, and working.

Application Guidelines

Applications due May 6.

In a brief letter of interest, describe your experience and interest in faculty development for antiracism. Describe your experience working towards antiracism in your professional and/or personal life. Include any campus efforts towards equity that you have participated in, including past iterations of the Antiracism Institute, if applicable. Attach a current curriculum vitae.

Note: Before the fellowship is awarded, the CFE will require a written statement of support from the chair or program director, as well as dean’s approval, ​indicating that three credits of reassigned time can be accommodated within your teaching load. While this statement is not required to be included as part of the application, please begin to initiate this conversation with your chair/director.

Finalists for the fellowships will be interviewed by CFE Leadership, who will then make the selection. Contact the Center for Faculty Excellence for further information regarding the Dana Fellows Program.