Introduction to Drawing: Seeing the World
ART 11000, Section 02
CRN 10003
7/05/2022 - 8/05/2022
Online-Synchronous, Mon.-Thur. 12-3pm
Perspective: Creative Arts, Themes: Identities; Mind, Body, Spirit; and Power and Justice
Course Description: Training in perception and the imagination as they relate to drawing. Exploration of several media techniques, methods and frameworks including historical and contemporary approaches.
Two-Dimensional Design
ART 12000, Section 01
CRN 10004
5/16/2022 - 5/27/2022
Online-Synchronous, Mon.-Fri. 9am-12pm
Course Description: A course dealing with fundamentals of design on a flat surface and providing perceptual, as well as technical, understanding of formal elements employed in producing works of art.