Professor Arhlene Flowers Named 2022 Educator of the Year by PRSA Rochester

By Arhlene Flowers, May 28, 2022

Professor Flowers Named 2022 Educator of the Year by PRSA Rochester

The Rochester Public Relations Society of America Chapter selected Arhlene Flowers, professor of Integrated Marketing Communications in the Department of Strategic Communication, as the recipient of the 2022 Educator of the Year award. Judging criteria for this new award included demonstrated excellence based on contemporary knowledge of public relations and communications and demonstrated support of students via mentorship, advising, and career development. A panel of PRSA past presidents, the current president and president-elect, and other current board members reviewed the pool of nominees. The 32nd annual Rochester PRSA PRism Awards Ceremony will be held on June 8 at the Rochester Museum & Science Center.

Professor Arhlene Flowers

Professor Arhlene Flowers