Walter Byongsok Chon (Theatre) Receives Grant to Translate Korean Plays

By Walter Byongsok Chon, August 20, 2022

Walter Byongsok Chon, Associate Professor of Dramaturgy and Theatre Studies (SMTD), is awarded the 2022 Grant for the Translation of Korean Literary Works from the Daesan Foundation.

With this grant, he will translate into English four plays by South Korean playwright Myung-Wha Kim. The plays include The Wind’s Desire, The Birds Don’t Cross the Crosswalk, Oedipus: The Fate of the Story, and The Sound of the Moon. He will complete the translation with dramaturg Anne Hamilton, who will serve as a translation consultant.

Bio of the Playwright:

Myung-Wha Kim (Playwright) is a playwright and director. She made her debut as a playwright with Birds Do Not Cross the Crosswalk, which won the Samsung Literary Award for Best Play in 1997. Her plays include First BirthdayThe Wind’s DesireRedolence, and The End of the Royal Palace Dining Hall, among others. She won numerous awards including the Cha Beom-Seok Theater Award, Daesan Literary Award, Dong-A Theater Award, the Grand Prize in the Asahi Shimbun Theatrical Arts Award, and Yeo Seok-Gi Theater Critic Award. She founded Nanhee Theatre Company in 2018, which became The Nanhee in 2020, and took up directing. The Nanhee’s productions include Mimaji!Dionysus Under the Magnolia, and Cold Noodles.

Plays by Myung-Wha Kim

Plays by Myung-Wha Kim
