"The Social Dilemma" Director Jeff Orlowski-Yang to visit Ithaca College

By Mickie Quinn, September 7, 2022

"The Social Dilemma" Director Jeff Orlowski-Yang to visit Ithaca College

Jeff Orlowski-Yang - the making of "The Social Dilemma" - September 22nd 7pm

Thursday, September 22nd - 7pm
Emerson Suites

Park Distinguished Visitor, Jeff Orlowski-Yang will give a public presentation in the Emerson Suites to talk about the making of his Emmy Award Winning documentary, The Social Dilemma.

Through an elegant-yet-accessible articulation of the relationship between persuasive technology and human behavior, Orlowski-Yang advocates for a massive shift in the way social media companies are regulated, while encouraging audiences to be wary of their own relationship to them. “These tools weren’t built for democracy... We, the public, are the thing being mined and manipulated, being converted into money. It turns out that it’s terrible for democracy. We need democracy to fight back. We need our systems, we need our legislators to say, ‘Wait a second. This has gone way too far. We need to change what these things can or can’t do, for the betterment of society.’”

Jeff Orlowski-Yang is an award-winning filmmaker, director, producer, and cinematographer for Chasing Ice and Chasing Coral. His latest film, The Social Dilemma, premiered at the 2020 Sundance Film Festival and is the winner of two Primetime Emmy Awards.

For accommodations or questions regarding this event, please contact the following e-mail: ajohanns@ithaca.edu