Introducing the Prevention Education Network!

By Leonardo Wise, October 11, 2022

The Home for Ithaca College's Prevention Efforts:

Prevention Education Network Logo in blue and gold

Formerly the Sexual Violence Prevention Committee and IC Responsibility, the Prevention Education Network is designed to prevent all types of interpersonal violence at Ithaca College.

As we move forward together, we are excited to connect with those of you interested in being a part of our efforts to prevent violence at IC. We are equally as excited to continue offering workshops, hosting get-togethers, and building a community where all are safe to live, to learn, and to work.

The group’s charge is to:

  • Create and maintain a network of organizations and offices implementing interpersonal violence prevention programming on campus
  • Facilitate regularly scheduled campus-wide trainings to enhance knowledge of interpersonal violence and to provide skills on how to act as a prosocial bystander or provide support to individuals that have been impacted by interpersonal violence
  • Empower individuals with a sense of purpose and responsibility to co-create a safer community
  • Discuss the intersection of substance use, interpersonal violence, and consent
  • Identify any gaps in campus programming initiatives and make recommendations to appropriate offices and/or organizations to implement needed programming
  • Develop and implement at least one campus-wide initiatives each semester

Where to go from here? If you’re interested in participating in the committee and/or attending workshops, programs or events, visit or send us an email at

You can find us on Instagram at ic_pen where we highlight upcoming events throughout the year!