Academic Alert/Concern Enhancements

By Elizabeth Bleicher, October 12, 2022

User-friendly updates make it easier to get students help they need.

On Wednesday, October 12, the Center for Student Success and Retention will open access to a more integrated, user-friendly way to share academic concerns about a student. Based on extensive input from faculty and staff, the following enhancements have been added to the academic alert system.

  • New Name – Academic Concerns is more aligned with our mission to establish IC as a community of care and sends a more accurate message to students about outreach intended to help them.
  • More Intuitive – The new form prepopulates with the submitter’s information and courses for which the student is currently registered to make it faster and easier to complete.
  • More Integrated – The form automatically guides users to the ICare Report system if their concern is more appropriate for the ICare team. 
  • Levels of concern – The submitter can share both serious concerns to prompt outreach and seemingly less worrisome ones that might not initially appear to merit outreach but could point to more serious concern when understood in context.
  • Process awareness – original submitter now receives a receipt and an update once the student has met with a staff member for support.

The concern submission form can be accessed at this link now, as well as via and all existing IC website links to the current academic alert system starting October 12. 

Thank you to all the campus members who shared insights to help us improve the system! 

Melanie Stein, Provost

Elizabeth Bleicher, Dean of Student Success and Retention