Math Department Colloquia Monday, Oct. 17 4PM in Williams 320

By Jill Ackerman, October 16, 2022

Please Join us for a talk entitled: "Life Lessons from a Mathematician", with Ted Galanthy of the Ithaca College Department of Mathematics

In 2021-2022, I took a sabbatical leave from Ithaca College.  Besides coming back from this experience with the belief that major corporations could benefit from an employee sabbatical leave program, I returned with a different outlook on how to live my life.  In this talk, I will share my experiences in the context of five lessons I learned and how they relate to the equation dP/dt = 2P. 

Circular maze

Sponsored by the Math Department Colloquium series

Contact: (Prof. Joash Geteregechi)

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the Department Assistant at or 4-3107. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.