Top Public Health Grad School Rep on Zoom Wed. Oct. 19 @ 6pm

By Stewart Auyash, October 16, 2022

Meet Boston University School of Public Health Admissions Officer

Whatever you major, if you have possible interest in public health grad programs, this is an excellent way to start.  This is open to all students regardless of year. 

Sign on using the link below to meet the Assistant Director of Admissions for the Boston University School of Public Health, one the top grad schools in the US. Olivia Owens will give a brief presentation and answer any questions students or faculty have about their grad program. Ithaca College has sent no fewer than 6 students to the excellent BU grad program over the last few years. 

Date/Time: Wednesday, Oct. 19 at 6-7pm
On ZOOM using this link

For any questions about grad program in public health, feel free to contact Stewart Auyash at