Textbook Adoptions for Spring 2023—please submit by Oct 31

By Brendan Murday, October 18, 2022

Dear Faculty,

We are asking that you please submit your Spring 2023 textbook adoptions by Monday October 31st, so that students will be able to review the anticipated costs associated with course at the time they register.

You may now submit your spring course adoptions to Ithaca.textbookx.com (also accessible via the apps page on our website as “Akademos”). Even if you are not requiring course materials for your class/section, please visit the portal and indicate that you are not requiring textbooks or other materials for your that CRN.

Before submitting orders, we encourage you to search the Ithaca College Library’s collections to learn whether IC owns digital copies of any text(s) you plan to require. Access to electronic course materials already owned by the Library may help achieve additional savings for our students.

If you need support with the course submission process, you may review the tutorial at https://youtu.be/NaFCdRhEc2U or contact our liaison, Weeli Ko (wko@akademos.com).

Thanks for submitting your orders and to everyone for helping students stay informed about their likely course expenses.

Best wishes,

Brendan Murday

Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs