Congratulations Step Challenge Winners!

By Sara Jacobs, October 21, 2022

Staff Council’s Employee Engagement Committee is happy to announce our top three Step Challenge Winners for Fall 2022!

A big congratulations to…(drumroll please!):

Gold Medalist: Doreen Hettich-Atkins, (Student Affairs & Campus Life) 
Silver Medalist: Kelsey Pudney, (Center for Counseling, Health and Wellness)
Bronze Medalist: Rebecca Creamer, (Center for Counseling, Health and Wellness)
(Insert the sparkly confetti visual, the cheers, and the round of applause soundtrack here!)

And …. an Honorable Mention goes out to: Sarah Shank (Library), who in addition to being a Stepper, also led the weekly staff Step-tember’ trail walks that was open to all staff. (Insert more confetti and high-fives!)

Thank you to these top 3 for inspiring us and thank you to EVERYONE who participated in the event this year! 

Best wishes from your colleagues and Staff Council.

rabbit jumping over hurdle bars.

I can and I will!