ART 25900 ST: Intermediate Sculpture: Space, Memory, Material (LA) CRN 41209, 3 Credits, Monday/Wednesday 2:00pm-4:40pm, Instructor: Grace Troxell
This course explores memory and imagination through fact/fiction, appropriation/recreation, networks surrounding sculpture, architectural spaces, and found/formed materials. As a class we will sculpt, read, write, observe, research, critique, and invite visiting artists. Emphasis will be placed on expanding one's idea of sculpture, learning about contemporary art, and material exploration. Traditional and contemporary materials will be explored. Materials and techniques include mold making, casting, clay, found objects, sewing, fabric, and soft sculptures.
Prerequisites: Any ART 15000 (IRR)
ART 35900 ST: Advanced Sculpture: Space, Memory, Material (LA) CRN 41215, 3 Credits, Monday/Wednesday 2:00pm-4:40pm, Instructor: Grace Troxell
This course explores memory and imagination through fact/fiction, appropriation/recreation, networks surrounding sculpture, architectural spaces, and found/formed materials. As a class we will sculpt, read, write, observe, critique, research, and invite visiting artists. Emphasis will be placed on assisting students to create a cohesive, contemporary, experimental body of work that is self-motivated and researched. Traditional and contemporary materials will be explored. Materials and techniques include mold making, casting, clay, found objects, sewing, fabric, and soft sculptures.
Prerequisites: Any ART 25000 (IRR)