Exploring After School, Evening, and Sleep Routines and Activities in Families

By Ashley Mason, November 1, 2022

 We are seeking families who would like to discuss their after school, evening, and bedtime routines/activities. 

This is an interactive study for both caregivers and children. Participation in this study will include 3-4 in-person interviews, each approximately 20-45 minutes long for both caregivers and child(ren). Interview questions will relate to after school activities, evening routines, and transition to bedtime. Families have the option to choose to have the parent and children interviewed together or separately depending on comfort level and time availability. The interviews may span from October 2022 to February 2023, and preferred COVID-19 protocols will be taken into consideration. 

In order to be a part of this research study, at least one child in your household must be between the ages of 6-12 years old and must speak English or be able to communicate and answer questions. We welcome participants with and without disabilities. 

In between the first and second interview, families will be loaned a digital camera to take pictures of after school activities until and/or including bedtime. We are looking for this piece of our study to be child driven, but with the support of the caregivers. Finally,  if you choose to participate in our study, your time and participation will be compensated via a gift card. 

Let us know if you have any other questions. If you would like to participate please email icotresearch_mason@ithaca.edu  with your further interest. We are actively recruiting participants now! 

We look forward to hearing from you soon.


ICOT Researchers: 

Co-investigators: Kayla Abreu, OTS;  Kay Deonarine, OTS;  Taylor DeMarco, OTS;  McKenna Farrere, OTS;  Megan Gibson, OTS;  Allison Lazaros, OTS; Briana Lenna, OTS; Georgia Mauceri, OTS; Meghan Treanor, OTS; Gabrielle Schlessinger, OTS; Investigator: Ashley Mason, PhD, OTR/L