JED: Call for Stop & Breathe (Dec 1-7th) program submissions

By Cathy Michael, November 10, 2022

The JED Campus Initiative is excited to announce that Stop & Breathe week is happening on Dec 1st through Dec 7th! During this week, we will be highlighting campus activities and programs that encourage us to take a deep breath.

Ithaca College's JED Campus initiative seeks program submissions for this semester's Stop & Breathe campaign running from December 1st to the 7th.  Staff, faculty and student organizations that are planning, or already offering, mental health and wellness related programming can submit their events.

Fill out this Google form to get registered as one of our highlighted events

Stop & Breathe Dec 1 to Dec 7 Do you have an event you want to feature?

Does your department or student organization need inspiration for new ideas for programming before the semester ends?  Consider events such as: stress relief activities, meditation, yoga, music, crafting, and support groups. JED will  highlight your program on our Stop & Breathe week communications.

As finals week can be a very stressful time for students, staff, and faculty, we are hoping that each semester we can encourage everyone to Stop & Breathe together. 

For any questions regarding Stop & Breathe week, please reach out to one of the co-chairs of the JED Mental Health Awareness Subcommittee (email: Cathy Michael or Rachel Ng).