Call for New Leaders for the Integrative Core Curriculum and the Ithaca Seminar Programs

By MaryAnn Taylor, November 15, 2022

Call for New Leaders for the Integrative Core Curriculum and the Ithaca Seminar Programs

ICC Director/ICSM Coordinator Appointments 

Submitted on behalf of Associate Provost Stacia Zabusky:

After more than four years of enthusiastic and effective commitment to the Integrative Core Curriculum and the ICSM Program, the current faculty leaders of these programs — Susan Delaney (associate professor of writing in H&S) and Andrew Utterson (associate professor of screen studies in the Park School) — will be stepping down from their posts at the end of this year. We are deeply appreciative of their dedication and resilience; together, Susan and Andrew steered these important programs through the pandemic challenges without hesitation, successfully sustaining the quality of the programs, effectively and compassionately responding to student concerns, and addressing faculty needs and interests. They both also contributed in significant ways to the work of the Task Force to revise the core curriculum, efforts that were realized in this year’s catalog. We owe them our thanks and gratitude.

This also means that these crucial academic programs are in need of new leadership!

We seek to appoint an Academic Director for the Integrative Core Curriculum and a Faculty Coordinator for the Ithaca Seminar Program to three year terms (with possibility of renewal); these appointments will begin July 1, 2022. Each position comes with reassigned time, a summer stipend, and the expectation that the incumbents will teach in their respective programs. Faculty members with a rank of associate professor or professor, in either a tenured or non-tenure eligible notice appointment, are eligible to apply.

For detailed position descriptions and information on the compensation, please see the documents linked below:

ICC Director Position

ICSM Coordinator Position

It is worth noting that the scope of responsibilities for these positions has been revised, following the recommendations of the ICC Revision Task Force. The Academic Director of the ICC has an expanded role that incorporates more administrative responsibilities and includes a focus on assessment; the ICSM Faculty Coordinator’s role has been correspondingly re-focused on faculty mentoring, curriculum and assessment, and 4th hour seminar programming. Both positions report to the Associate Provost for Academic Programs; both are supported by a full-time staff program coordinator and by the Manager of Accreditation and Assessment for Academic Affairs.

Interested faculty should send a current CV and a letter detailing their interest in the position to the office of the provost ( by December 16. Appointments will be announced no later than February 10. We welcome inquiries in advance of official applications; please reach out to the current incumbents or to Associate Provost Stacia Zabusky ( with questions and we will do our best to answer them.