Secure Your Belongings and Lock Up Prior to Winter Break!

By Elyse Nepa, December 11, 2022

Congratulations IC students on wrapping up your fall semester!! Winter break is almost here!

As you prepare to leave campus for the break, Public Safety would like to remind you of the importance of securing your personal belongings, locking your windows, closing your blinds/curtains, and securely locking your residence hall room. Remember to pack all important documents and valuable items, such as your computer, ID and passport, jewelry, medication, gifts, etc. 

On behalf of everyone in Public Safety, we want to offer you our best wishes for the holiday season and for a happy and healthy end to 2022. We hope you have the opportunity to relax, reconnect with your friends and family, and enjoy this break in the academic calendar.

We look forward to seeing you back on campus in January!


Public Safety