Accepting Proposals for Women Leaders Series 2023

By Mish Lenhart, January 5, 2023

The Office of Student Engagement will be sponsoring the 11th Annual Women Leaders Series (WLS) at Ithaca College in March 2023.

Our planning team is inviting you to collaborate with us for the 2023 Women Leaders Series! The WLS is a set of presentations, performances, or programs for students to attend, all focused on the topic of women and leadership.

Would you be interested in presenting a 45–60-minute workshop on any topic related to women and leadership? Or do you/your organization already have a program planned for March that might be a good fit in this series and we could collaborate? You can check out what was done for the 2022 Women Leaders Series if you need some inspiration!

The 2023 WLS theme is "Peace, Love, and ____" to reflect the importance of these concepts internally for personal wellness (Relaxation techniques, practicing self-compassion, etc.) and externally for professional growth (navigating conflict, showing appreciation as a leader, etc.). Our hope is that presenters will be creative in developing a program connected to this theme. For example:

  • Peace, Love, and Women in the Media
  • Peace, Love, and Advocacy
  • Peace, Love, and Negotiation Strategies
  • Moving from Imposter Syndrome to Loving Myself!
  • Meditation for Inner Peace
  • Other concepts that do not necessarily have peace & love in the title, but touch on related topics that enhance leadership skills and opportunities for Ithaca College students who attend WLS events.

We are accepting proposals for any event that your organization or department is planning to host, or for new workshops that you would like to present. The 11th Annual Women Leaders Series offers personal and professional development programs designed to enhance opportunities for college women student leaders. All of the programs offered in this annual series are free and open to all current Ithaca College students.

The 2023 WLS will run from Wednesday, March 1 through Friday, March 31. Please note that spring break is March 11-19. Proposals are due by Monday, January 31 so that we can begin the marketing campaign in early February. You can find the simple proposal form here:

If you have any questions about the series or how you might be a collaborator, please reach out to or call 607-274-3222!