Provost’s Colloquium: Celebrating Faculty Creativity & Innovation - Monday, Feb 6

By Colette Matisco, January 22, 2023

Provost Melanie Stein invites us to celebrate the intellectual and creative accomplishments of our colleagues. Presenters will share from the research and/or creative activity they engaged in during their sabbatical. Light refreshments will be served. We hope to see you there.

Monday, February 6th, 4:00-5:30pm
Clark Lounge, Campus Center

Annemarie Farrell, Department of Sport Management
Title: Syllabus for Success: Breaking down the walls between classwork and fieldwork

In Niconachean Ethics, Book II, Aristotle reminds us that, “Anything that we have to learn to do, we learn by the actual doing of it.” While he is not formally credited as the founder of modern-day experiential learning practices, his work certainly influenced those like Kolb, Dewey, Piaget who developed frameworks that would aid in its adoption throughout education.

Sport management and marketing, like many professional programs in education, place significant emphasis on developing practitioners for industry careers. During the COVID-19 pandemic many sport organizations suspended student internship programs, as athletic events were suspended or took place in empty stadiums. Without the traditional internship framework available, pivoting classes and pedagogy to consider why a strict divide has often existed between coursework and fieldwork was necessary.

As part of my post-COVID (delayed) sabbatical, I re-engineered courses across the sport management and sport marketing curriculum to incorporate unique opportunities for direct student engagement with related companies, leagues, and teams. Through the creation of internship tracks in courses, incorporation of client projects as culminating assignments, and industry expert feedback sessions, classrooms transform into boardrooms and laboratories for thought and action.

This presentation will address positive impacts stemming from experiential learning course overhauls, including implications for addressing current student success, as well as institutional enrollment and retention challenges.

Hilary Greenberger, Department Physical Therapy
Title: Integrated Course Design:  Thinking Big and Backwards!

This presentation summarizes the teaching pedagogy, based on the work of L. Dee Fink, that I studied and  implemented in a course I teach on Evidence Based Practice.  I will share with you two impactful course design strategies that I used to create significant learning experiences for students:  thinking about the big dream for student learning and exploring the concepts of backwards learning design.

Debbie Rifkin, Department of Music Theory, History, Composition
Title:  Rating Grading: Berating and Debating

When we grade students, it is generally assumed that we equitably and objectively rank them and provide feedback according to their level of achievement of learning goals. We also assume that grades provide motivation for students to do their best and reach their potential. However, a growing body of evidence-based scholarship shows that grades not only fail to accomplish these goals, but—even worse—traditional grading practices actively disincentivize learning. During my sabbatical, I explored alternatives proposed by research in ungrading, and developed new assessment strategies for my music classes. I will share my findings and report on outcomes from my first semester of implementation in Fall 2022.

Facilitator: Scott Erickson, Dana Professor, Marketing
Organized and supported by the Center for Faculty Excellence

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Colette Matisco at or 607-274-3734. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.