Women's Mentoring Network Hosts Debra Howell: Finding Balance

By Samantha Elebiary, January 31, 2023

Women's Mentoring Network Hosts Debra Howell: Finding Balance

The Women's Mentoring Network is excited to welcome Debra Howell, Director of Information Technology Operations for the University Libraries at Cornell University, to campus to discuss finding balance! Each of us has competing responsibilities in our lives; including work, family, friends, and social commitments. With so much to balance, it can be easy to lose perspective and neglect ourselves. Working towards balance across the different areas of our lives is important because it helps us to better meet our needs and may contribute to greater overall well-being and life satisfaction. In this interactive session, you will evaluate your personal satisfaction in eight different life categories to possibly identify opportunities to bring more balance to specific areas of your life. We’ll then use a goal setting technique to address areas of your life that require more attention to increase personal satisfaction and achieve a more balanced life.

Date/Time: Thursday, February 9th, from 12pm-1pm.

Location: Library Classroom (Gannett 319)

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Sam Elebiary at selebiary@ithaca.edu or 607-274-5728. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.