Women's Mentoring Network Welcome Event and Other Updates!

By Samantha Elebiary, January 31, 2023

Women's Mentoring Network Welcome Event and Other Updates!

Welcome back to South Hill and to the start of the Spring semester!

We hope you had a restful and restorative break! We have some great events planned for the Spring, and some news about the Women’s Mentoring Network. We now have an email! You can address questions and suggestions to wmn@ithaca.edu.

We have a few events scheduled for February:  

  • Winter Mingle, 11-1 on Feb 2nd in Klingenstein Lounge. Drop in for all or part of this event and enjoy light refreshments and conversation!
  • Finding Balance with Debra Howell, 12-1pm on Feb 9th in the Library Classroom (Gannett 319). Debra will teach participants how to evaluate your personal satisfaction in different areas to explore opportunities for greater balance in life, and show you how to set goals to achieve that balance.

We hope to see you, and feel free to bring a friend or new IC employee who might be interested!  

As a reminder, we have a Teams page where you can find reminders about events, or share something going on in your world that you think other members may be interested in. We also have some funding available to support professional development. For more  information about the Teams page or funding opportunities, please email selebiary@ithaca.edu

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Sam Elebiary at selebiary@ithaca.edu or 607-274-5728. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.